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Service Learning

Hello, my name is Jordyn Clayton and I am a Freshman at Chaparral Star Academy. 







Service learning is defined as an educational approach that combines learning objectives with community service in order to provide a pragmatic, progressive learning experience while meeting societal needs. 


My teacher assigned the students of my English class a project incorporating this approach. Students were given very few guidelines, and could really do whatever they chose. 




We were given six weeks to complete the project, and it requires us to find a problem in our community, then devise a product, service, event, etc that will help improve upon that issue. I immediately thought of supporting an organization called Art From the Streets, which merges both my artistic passions and my dedication to helping Austin's homeless population. To learn more about their organization and its mission, click 'about AFTS' above in the menu bar. 


My decision was to do a drive for various art supplies and give all collected materials and monetary donations to Art From the Streets' studio location. To learn how you can support Austin's homeless artists, click 'donate' in the menu bar. 


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